This year marks a quarter of a century since Castle House Museum began operating from our current location up on Castle Hill, and we are planning a variety of events throughout the remainder of the year to celebrate!
Here's a look at what we have on offer over the next few months! We would be delighted to see you there, and don't hesitate to contact info@castlehousemuseum.org.uk if you require further information.
Complete Geophysical Survey and Community Activities- Friday 21st to Sunday 23rd of July
History Mystery at Dunoon Castle: Archaeologists from DigVentures will be running hands-on events and workshops at Dunoon Castle in July, kicking off with a talk from Dr Louise Turner about the castle history and its archaeology on the 21st July. The project will explore the archaeological heritage of the site and has been funded by the Castle Studies Trust. DigVentures are running the activities with the Dunoon Development Trust and Argyll and Bute Council CARS project team, in partnership with the Castle House Museum. Heritage workshops will cover archaeological building analysis, geophysics and landscape survey, and allow those interested to take part in research around the castle and the castle grounds. The team will also be hosting a Castle Tour and Castle Character Trail for everyone to take part in over the weekend. All activities will be published soon, and you’ll be able to book to take part in events here: digventures.com/whats-on
Night At The Museum- Postponed
Ever wondered what goes on at Castle House Museum after the museum doors are closed? Come along to our exciting new Night At The Museum event to find out! We will be offering crafts and activities for the wee ones, a treasure hunt, and a behind-the-scenes peek into the treasures that our storeroom holds. When the rescheduled date is announced, tickets will be available from the museum so keep your eyes peeled!
Doors Open Day- Saturday 16th of August
Joining in with a whole host of other institutions across the country, admission to the museum will be free on this date to allow greater access to the town's heritage. Find out more about this here: Doors Open Days 2023 | Unlock Scotland this September!
Cowalfest- Thursday 12th to Monday 16th October
We will be offering tours as part of Cowalfest, a festival of walking that takes place throughout Cowal. We will be running our 'Dunoon and the Fight for Women's Suffrage' tour, alongside a 'Dunoon Walking Tour' with tourist guide and storyteller Margaret Hubbard. Euan Macdonald will also be giving a talk titled 'Dunoon of 200 Years Ago,' themed around paintings and drawings of Dunoon. Find out more about the festival here: CowalFest (wildaboutargyll.co.uk)
Sugarocracy- Talk with Stephen Mullen, Monday 23rd October
University of Glasgow lecturer and prominent researcher Stephen Mullen will be giving a talk titled 'Sugarocracy.' This discusses the Glasgow sugar aristocracy, and highlights the links between Scotland and Caribbean slavery between 1775-1838. His website can be found here: University of Glasgow - Schools - School of Humanities | Sgoil nan Daonnachdan - Our staff - Dr Stephen Mullen
Victorian Christmas- Saturday 9th and Sunday 10th of December
Following on from the success of our event in 2019, we will be hosting another Victorian Christmas weekend! The museum will be decked out with traditional Victorian decorations and music, and we will be running storytelling sessions, crafts, and family fun. Find out how 2019 went here: Victorian Christmas 2019 (castlehousemuseum.org.uk)

And of course, the museum will be open 10am to 4pm from Monday to Saturday throughout the summer. With our Clan Lamont exhibition, our Victorian Rooms quiz, and new displays in the pipeline, it is an exciting time to pay us a visit!